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Tv Program Cryptic Quiz

The following quiz round was submitted by Alan MacDonald from the UK. Many thanks Alan, great job once again! Identify the British television programmes from the following cryptic clues. Is it football, rugby, cricket or tennis?

Cryptic Quiz Math Worksheet Answers

Sounds like Dad is either lazy or out of work 3. You usually do this at the January sales 4. This kind of cold snap usually tells you Winter's on its way 5. How Dad should be made to feel on Father's Day 6. A spectator who prefers not to be heard 7.

Ignore the late '70s group 8. What the proprietor of the Guardian might say to increase business 9. Something William could settle perhaps 10.

A crowning event down our way ANSWERS 1. A question of sport 2. Bargain hunt 4. A touch of Frost 5. Autodata File Not Found.

Top of the pops 6. Silent witness 7.

Never mind the Buzzcocks 8. Have I got news for you 9. Coronation Street.

Clue Program 6x4 Where am I? Boiled, roast, Cell snap Smallest state's half century Eddie Murphy 45105x2 Hip hip hooray!! Famous for it's Cowboys Passed from generation to generation Old bark I get by with a little help. Strange pairing You find them in your recycle bin Destiny's Child Song 10123 Not on the rink (UK) Lazy Americans Holding out for what Chad Kroeger thought would save us VAT me Bronze medal for solar power He was killed by someone Arise Sir Joaquin (UK) Yes the charge is correct Clue Program OJ, Jessica, Ashlee He went from his lab to a murder Just idiots and GGs (UK) GP what?? (UK) One up from the resevers Lancelot on a bike Petit French town BINGO!!! Doctors wear them They originally wanted 8800 but had to settle for half You know that program from nearly 40 years ago Law abiding Bruins The best clothes (UK) Gene and Sam in the best selling show (UK) Dwayne Johnson +1 AKA Two feet in the grave Rouge midget (UK) Killing dracula at an all you can eat Keeping an eye on the sea Set fire to the forest (UK).