Do you get any error Messages due to autodata.exe process • (autodata.exe) has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. • (autodata.exe) has stopped working. • autodata.exe. This program is not responding. • (autodata.exe) - Application Error: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read.

Autodata File Not FoundFile Not Found

Click OK to terminate the program. • (autodata.exe) is not a valid windows 32 application error. • (autodata.exe) missing or not found.

Read to fix errors. • Run Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer application. • Then from main window select 'Process Manager' item. Wait for few seconds, then after the process list appears scroll down to find autodata.exe file you want to delete or stop. • click the autodata.exe process file then click the right mouse button then from the list select 'Add to the block list'. • This will prevent this process to run. ( keep in mind you have to let 'process manager' running.

You could make this application run while windows starts, go to options >>then select ' Load automatically on windows startup' >>then click save settings button) Startup Manager: • From Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer main window select 'Startup manager' tool. • From startup manager main window find autodata.exe process you want to delete or disable by clicking it then click right mouse button then select 'Delete selected item' to permanently delete it or select 'Disable selected item'. • From the main window of startup manager click the 'Scheduled tasks' button, then find the process you want to delete or disable by clicking it then click right mouse button then select 'Delete' to permanently delete it or select 'Disable' • From the main window of startup manager click the 'Application services' button, then find the process you want to disable by clicking it then click right mouse button then select 'Disable'.

I checked the path and I added addpath(. Hmmm.I can't see this issue at first blush, but. Free Download Buckethead Discography Rapidshare Programs there.

Use the alternate error message return from fopen and see what it tells you that may be informative in trying to open it from within the script [fid,msg]=fopen(. Also echo cd matlabpath from the script and see where it's operating at what the in-context search path is. It's got to be something along that line. Unfortunately, I never saw the previous poster's return comment; probably because back last spring about that time was away for a couple of weeks. Hopefully he's opened his file by now rather than still waiting.:). If the file name is correct and not misspelled and in the location you think it is, there's no reason Matlab can't open it, regardless of the source.

I got the same error 'Metadata file '.dll' could not be found' and I tried several things described above.

Download Ford Smith Tec 9 Manual Free. That is was written by Fortran is of no bearing. Download One Up On Wall Street Free Epub Downloads. That you opened it in Notepad probably means you navigated to the proper location in the file open dialog so you removed any path dependency by manual navigation.

For Matlab, 1) Check what the actual path is by executing path to ensure you got the right subdirectory added w/o a typo or somesuch. 2) Do a manual dir on the file root name w/ a wildcard in the known directory.something like dir c: yourfilesdirectory *samp*.* to confirm. I just made a quick test here to confirm Matlab works as described and I wasn't making stuff up.:) Before doing anything. >>path MATLABPATH c: ML_R2012b work C: ML_R2012b toolbox matlab demos C: ML_R2012b toolbox matlab graph2d. >>dir c*.txt% look for some.txt files in cwd.

ContainerData.txt cttn.txt cycle.txt >>dir c: temp *.txt% and in a directory not on path. CHRIS.TXT TESTCASE.TXT rand.txt.

>>exist('chris.txt','file')% try to find one in temp. Ans = 0% couldn't find it; now try *addpath* >>addpath('c: temp')% add the temp directory >>type chris.txt% see what's in the file over there ss45gg67tt ss gg67 t >>exist('chris.txt','file')% check that can find it ans = 2 >>dir c*.txt% observe it's _not_ in cwd. ContainerData.txt cttn.txt cycle.txt >>cd% cwd is still my default location c: ML_R2012b work >>The upshot is, you've gotten something wrong but I can't see your system from here so can't unequivocally tell you what it was/is; all I can tell you is that if you get the path right or the fully-qualified name right, Matlab will open it just fine. One last alternative.