Ward Kendall Hold Back This Day PdfWard Kendall Hold Back This Day Pdf

I found Hold Back This Day to be very timely, considering both Europe and North America are under demographic siege by swarming hordes of illegal aliens and so-called “refugees”. Literatura Brasileira William Roberto Cerejas more. Kendall’s novel is set a hundred years from now, after the West has capitulated (which they are in the process of doing now) and what’s left over is a world lain waste by multiculturalism, race-mixing, and leftist policies that have destroyed the last vestiges of freedom and innovation. It’s like Orwell’s “1984”, except I found Hold Back This Day to be very timely, considering both Europe and North America are under demographic siege by swarming hordes of illegal aliens and so-called “refugees”. Kendall’s novel is set a hundred years from now, after the West has capitulated (which they are in the process of doing now) and what’s left over is a world lain waste by multiculturalism, race-mixing, and leftist policies that have destroyed the last vestiges of freedom and innovation. It’s like Orwell’s “1984”, except Kendall’s version is much grimmer, and much more likely to happen.