Blockland Uta Weapon PackBlockland Uta Weapon Pack

This week we have some cracking picks for you all to take a look. SirSalami has found an incredible dodge mod for Skyrim that not only adds an ability for you to dodge attacks, but also your enemies. I have a Star Wars based mod from nubyplay that I have had great fun checking out (frazzling enemies with lightning or sending them skyward never seems to get old), Terrorfox1234 has multicolored torches with a variety of uses, and Robbie922004 has come through again yet with a great pick and wri.

- No suggestions. If you really want to post one, make it detailed. But don't expect anything. - No you can't have anything from here. Tier+Tactical (also known as Tier Tactical, abbreviated as T+T or TT) is a weapon pack created by the user Bushido and first released on February 1st 2010. Utilizing the latest in laser-technology, StormWeapons have extensive variety both in role as well as color, each weapon has four different variations for TDMs, the pack currently contains three different weapon types.

If you want you can skip to the comprehensive feature list and other juicy stuff scroll down a bit. Have you enjoyed games like Receiver or Fistful of Frags and their gunplay? Have you yearned for some of those mechanics in Blockland? Have you hated the simple R-to-Reload systems almost every gun in every videogame in existance has and instead have reloading be a part of the gun's micromanaging process? (Wow.) Well this add-on is for you! Weapon_Package_Complex is a weapon pack designed for those servers that need a little more 'realistic' edge in their gunplay mechanics.

Weapons use Port's revolutionary Timed/Segmented Raycasts system - basically not-instant raycast 'projectiles' that have things like gravity, etc. All guns have also been tweaked to emulate their real-life counterparts in terms of performance while also keeping stern balancing mechanics in place - every weapon in the pack can counter another in skilled hands. Damage-wise all weapons are balanced and every weapon with the exception of the shotgun have headshots - usually 3 multiplier on base damage (exception is the M24 Sniper with 4 mult and automatic weapons like Thompson and UZI having different multipliers) FEATURE LIST (OH BOY!) • Headshots thanks to Port's Region Damage Support - If I wanted to I could've added armshots, legshots, etc.

But I chose not to! • Timed/Delayed Raycasts - Thanks to this, all weapons have incredibly fast 'bullets' based on their real life stats, not to mention gravity! (Gravity only noticeable over long distances) • Port's ItemProps system - Forget about old as hell ammo system Tier+Tactical and other weapons like to use! All weapon-specific variables are tracked down in their every possible state, this means that your pistol could be fully loaded without a chambered bullet or completely empty with a single bullet in chamber and you could drop your pistol no problem! • Super cool SFX system (by Port:P) - Supports SHELL COLLISION SOUNDS!

WEAPON COLLISION SOUNDS! (relive your CS:GO's) GRENADE COLLISION SOUNDS! DIFFERENT DISTANT GUNSHOT SOUND EFFECTS! (Some weapons unsupported as of yet (the revolvers forexample)) • Even the freakin GRENADES require you pulling the pin out first before throwing them! (Warning: throwing the grenade without pulling the pin out first will make you look like a complete doofus) • The main selling point of this pack: SUPER COMPLEX HYPER AMAZING RELOADING SYSTEMS THAT ARE ACTUALLY NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT! • In-game tutorial system!

Type /gunhelp with your gun out and you will be guided through the reloading process! The centerprint will also highlight the steps you need to perform to reload the gun! These weapons are mostly WWII-styled with an exception of Micro-UZI.

There are a total of 9 weapons in the pack including the grenade. Hack Router Port 53 Udp. 122066 Jul 5th 2016, 2:55 PM Love this pack:D I hope to see some modern-era weapons like this.

45370 Sep 10th 2016, 3:01 PM Loved the pack. Although I think you should make clips pick up rather than items. AWESOME PACK 173273 Oct 22nd 2016, 9:34 PM Good manually weapon pack.

29019 Nov 9th 2016, 3:24 PM Yay fixed it, now you can actually download the damn thing. 29019 Nov 10th 2016, 10:08 AM Ayy, new update, fixes the pack not being downloadable 29019 Nov 14th 2016, 1:31 PM ok I have a new pref update but I can't fucking update the pack goddamnit glass 3300 Nov 17th 2016, 1:33 PM I get the point of the pack being 'complex' but why require players to press another button after pressing their usual reload button? This screws with the flow of gameplay, and isn't how things should work.