Find a Road Of Major - Road Of Major first pressing or reissue. Complete your Road Of Major collection. Shop Vinyl and CDs. Micro Xp Pro 1.11b. Beijing police shut down part of a major road on Monday as they dealt with a rare protest in the Chinese capital, with demonstrators gathering to complain the. Chinese capital shuts major road during rare protest - State news agency Xinhua said late last week that police had detained executives from a company called. Beijing police shut down part of a major road on Monday as they dealt with a rare protest in the Chinese capital, with demonstrators gathering to complain the.

Road Of Major Road Of Major Rare

BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing police shut down part of a major road on Monday as they dealt with a rare protest in the Chinese capital, with demonstrators gathering to complain the government had unfairly accused a company they say helps the poor of pyramid selling. While there are thousands of protests every year in China, over everything from pollution to corruption, large protests are rare in heavily guarded and affluent Beijing, with the ruling Communist Party valuing stability above all else. State news agency Xinhua said late last week that police had detained executives from a company called Shanxinhui, accusing them of operating a pyramid scheme and duping people out of money in the name of raising funds to help the poor. On Monday, investors in the company came to Beijing from all parts of China to complain that Shanxinhui had been dealt a huge injustice and that it had genuinely helped a lot of poor people. Police blocked off a major intersection in a working class southern Beijing neighborhood, lining up police cars and vans along the road and forming a cordon to prevent people accessing the grounds of a small convention center where some of the protesters had gathered. Dozens of other investors in the company stood on the roads outside the center, as police kept a wary watch but did not attempt to move them on.

It was not immediately clear how many people were inside the grounds of the center or why they had chosen it as the site for their demonstration. “They have accused the company of pyramid selling but they did nothing wrong. They only wanted to help poor people. It’s an injustice,” said a man who gave his family name as Zhong and said he was from the far western region of Xinjiang. Another man, who declined to provide his name but said he was from Hebei province, which partially surrounds Beijing, said all the funds in the company had been frozen. “We want China’s leaders to come and hear our complaints,” he said.

Beijing police declined immediate comment when reached by telephone.

この項目では、について説明しています。この作品を発売したについては「」をご覧ください。 『 ROAD OF MAJOR』 の リリース (メジャー再発盤) 時間 45分48秒 チャート最高順位 • 週間1位() • 2003年度年間26位(オリコン) • 登場回数27回(オリコン) 年表 ROAD OF MAJOR (2003年) (2005年) 『 ROAD OF MAJOR』(ロード・オブ・メジャー)は、にリリースされた、の1枚目の。 概要 [ ] • バンド初のオリジナル・アルバム。 • オリコンウィークリーチャートにおいて、初登場で1位を獲得。これは、1作目のアルバムとしてはインディーズアーティスト史上初の快挙となった(現在もこの記録はロードオブメジャーしか達成していない)。 収録曲 [ ] • 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 • 作詞:上原彰兼 北川賢一 / 作曲:近藤信政 北川賢一 • 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:近藤信政 北川賢一 • 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 • 君がため 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:近藤信政 北川賢一 • F.L.D. 作詞:ロードオブメジャー / 作曲:北川賢一 • スコール 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 • レールの行方 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 • row,row,row 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 近藤信政 • 夢追い人 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 • 日付のない日記 作詞:上原彰兼 / 作曲:北川賢一 • 春雨 作詞:北川賢一 / 作曲:北川賢一 タイアップ [ ] • 君がため • 映画「スタジアムで会いましょう」エンディング・テーマ • row,row,row • 「X-TRAIL JAM」テーマソング • 夢追い人 • 「」エンディング・テーマ • 日付けのない日記 • 「03」 • 春雨 • フジテレビ系「」2003年8・9月度エンディング・テーマ.