Manual High School Denver

Never had the bellini but own a thermomix and am about to sell mine. I have had my thermo for over 2 years. I find i don't use it enough to justify the amount of $$$$ just sitting on my bench. I make pizza dough mainly, chicken and corn soup and muffins and biscuits, all things i can do without this particular machine. I do make the odd other things but it can sit for weeks at a time without use. Driver For Usb Shock Joystick Clothing. I do think they are an awesome machine but i find myself going back to the oven and stove top to cook.

I have friends that use it multiple times a day and would be lost without it so it is a personal choice. Good luck with our decision •. I use my bellini (affectionately referred to as the povomix) multiple times a day and love it! I actually used a friend's thermomix recently on a weekend away and i really couldn't tell much difference, except the bellni jug seemed bigger (this is the older model thermo though, the new one might be bigger?).

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The lack of reverse function is a non issue for me and I just cook thermomix community recipes no probs in it. I've had it for about 6 months now I guess? Just to add - as PP said the thermomix is better of course, BUT, I don't see it being $1700 better. The Bellini Addicts group on FB is great for info.

Edited by lozoodle, 11 March 2015 - 06:50 AM. The Bellini is no Thermomix but it's a perfectly fine alternative. It's a good place to start and see whether it's something that will benefit you and your family. Our eating habits have changed massively for the better since owning a Thermomix. I don't use it everyday but I don't feel like I need to justify the cost of it, so that doesn't worry me.

As bam said lots of people start out with the Bellini and move to the Thermomix later on when they can afford it and know that they will get use out of it. Good luck with the decision. Haven't had a Bellini but love my Thermomix. We rarely use the stovetop, luckily its induction glass so it doubles as a bench to prep stuff for the thermomix which sits right beside it.

But I have arthritis so I need it as it replaces a heap of appliances and means I don't have to chop veg. I guess if you bought a Bellini OP then wanted to upgrade you could sell the Bellini, although there are definitely times where we wish we had a second mixing bowl for the thermomix so it would be handy to have one of each if you upgrade! I'd get the Thermomix personally - buy once buy well. I've seen the Bellini's and they feel really junky to me. I'd probably be one of the many that would buy one, not like it and say 'gee I'm glad I didn't buy a TM.'

If you find it's not for you, you can sell your TM for about $250 less than you paid. You'd get nothing for a used Bellini meaning you're out of pocket more. I'd had my TM for almost 5 years. I don't use it every day but I have used it enough in that 5 years that it's paid for itself 10 times over. It's not going anywhere. I've used both extensively my Bellini mathes up to the thermo. I will add though I do prefer to use my food processor and kitchen aid for most things though to me whether you are spending $299 - over $2000 they are not going to do everything and replace everything.