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Paint Tool Sai Mac Alternative Free Download - PaintTool Sai for Mac Pen Pressure Supports! - Duration: 0:53. ETinysoft 20,877 views. Jan 05, 2017 I just got a Surface Pro 4 and installed Paint Tool SAI on it, but when I try to draw using my pen, there's no pen pressure! I've tried installing Wintab 64. Pressure sensitivity and Stabilizer are Not. And I noticed my tablet was not working (not detecting the pen at all. I opened Paint Tool Sai.

You might have to reset all of your pen settings and close SAI out before opening it again. Sometimes changing Wacom's tablet settings in Wacom Tablet Properties messes with things (ESPECIALLY the battery settings if you're using wireless. Don't change the setting.) Another thing you might have to do is go into Task Manager (if you're on Windows) and go into Services and find the SAI process tree and restart it. Something else you might have to do is go into your folder where SAI.exe is and find a file called 'misc.ini', open it in notepad and then see if something is wrong. Torrent Airbus Xtreme Prologue Definition here. Sometimes the misc file will corrupt itself or change itself and you manually have to go in and fix it. There's the possibility that you might have to uninstall and reinstall it. Save your brushes and stuff before you do that though.

Sorry if this doesn't offer much help, this is such an odd issue.;-; I hope it gets fixed! How in the world do you use s-7 for lineart without getting frustrated with how long it takes to use it-- I trained myself to use 15 for all of my art. Used to use S-7 and then I was like nah.