No Serial Number On Nintendo Ds

Nintendo DS ( NTR-001) and Nintendo DS Lite ( USG-001) NTR serial number for DS line compatible hardware/console. Preview, Demo and Distribution cartridge sometimes have a DIS serial before the NTR one, suppose DIS stands for Distro/Distribution. Nintendo DSi ( TWL-001) and Nintendo DSi XL ( UTL-001) TWL serial number with extra features for DSi line compatible hardware/console. DSi Exclusive cartridges come always in a white color as the one above on the right. But with the release of the 3DS game cartridges have a new 3-letter Serial Number: the LNA tag. What does it means?

Technical Question Is there a way to find the 3ds' serial number through. If you call Nintendo they will tell you the serial number of your device if you ask. I signed up for club nintendo and tried to register sonic rush adventure that i ordered from amazon with pokemon ranger shadows of almia and pokemon. The serial number is on the bottom of your DS. It may start with a couple of letters and then a series of numbers. Include the number in the box when you enter it for registration. The serial number for a Nintendo DSi is located on the bottom of the system, just below the barcode. The number starts with the letters 'TW' and is followed by 9.

First off, Region Codes go at the end of the serial as in: NTR-ACOE- USA, and most of time (if not always) regional releases have the same 6 first letters as in: WarioWare Touched! Yeah, i know that, i was trying to de-code why SS instead of SF, that's why i put Super Street. Same with Ridge Racer 3D, the 4 letter code is ARRJ, RR standing for Ridge Racer.

And the Layton game one ( Layton Kyouju to Kiseki no Kamen )is LAN-CTR-AKKJ-JPN, where the KK portion of the AKKJ could mean Kyouju to Kiseki Anyway. In Play-Asia website in the Catalog Number of the Product Section the listed it as CTR-ASSJ-JPN without the LNA. Plus the 3DS Console is given the CTR at the begining of the serial number.

Cosmo Black: CTR-S-KAAA Aqua Blue: CTR-S-BAAA But, being that the cartridge do have the LNA but they do no mention of it, maybe the console serial number too has the LNA but we won't know it till nintendo reveal it on the suppot page i guess. Still the question remain, What does CTR stands for. What the hell is LNA. Click to expand.I bet the A stands for the release.

Kevin Trudeau Debt Cures Ebook Torrent. That or to be used to separate other games using the same two initials. For my first theory, I think of the game Hotel Dusk. After it's initial run they re-released it. So let's say they want to re-release Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition, then I can see it being LNA-CTR- BSSJ-JPN later. For the second theory lets say they release a Sesame Street game, and it ends up with a similar coding name. Just slap a B on there and it's now different. And I still get the feeling the LNA has to do with launch, just like how there is PRE for the DS.

Yeah, i know that, i was trying to de-code why SS instead of SF, that's why i put Super Street. Same with Ridge Racer 3D, the 4 letter code is ARRJ, RR standing for Ridge Racer. And the Layton game one ( Layton Kyouju to Kiseki no Kamen )is LAN-CTR-AKKJ-JPN, where the KK portion of the AKKJ could mean Kyouju to Kiseki Anyway. In Play-Asia website in the Catalog Number of the Product Section the listed it as CTR-ASSJ-JPN without the LNA. Plus the 3DS Console is given the CTR at the begining of the serial number.

Cosmo Black: CTR-S-KAAA Aqua Blue: CTR-S-BAAA But, being that the cartridge do have the LNA but they do no mention of it, maybe the console serial number too has the LNA but we won't know it till nintendo reveal it on the suppot page i guess. Still the question remain, What does CTR stands for.

What the hell is LNA. LNA: Never seen that part before, possibly related to some semi-unique property of the card. The 'Lock eNAbled' hypothesis sounds likely. CTR: 3DS codename, what it stands for. Who knows, maybe ConTRol is right.

3DS system has CTR-001 as its internal number. ASSJ: 4-digit game code, consists of A: Target system. For handhelds, this usually starts at A and, when used up, continues with different letters. Wii has a more complex system and uses an R there (or S past-overflow) SS: Unique tag of the game.