Thursday, March 13, 2008 Wikinews held an exclusive interview with, the bestselling author from who wrote the The Didymus Contingency, Raising the Past and Antarktos Rising. Before deciding to take up the writing of fiction, Robinson was an artist and moviemaker. He says of his years before getting published, 'I lived well under the poverty I could write. Minitab 17 Product Key Keygen Software. ' Although his first book, The Didymus Contingency, was self-published, the following two were released through a small press. Recently, he signed a three book deal with, a major publisher. He said that he was 'pretty excited' about this.

Jeremy Robinson Wiki FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia ThisarticleisabouttheAmericannovelist.FortheEnglishprofessionalgo. Jeremy Robinson is an animator for The Simpsons. He serves as a character layout artist.

Robinson is currently at work on two other novels. Interview (( Wikinews )): You've written three novels. Tell us about them. How To Uninstall Drivers Using Dpinst.exe.

Robinson: I've actually written six novels, three of which are published, and they're all very different from each other. Focusing on the three published books; my first novel The Didymus Contingency is a time travel thriller where the main characters go back in time, one of them to disprove the story of Jesus, the other to stop him. My second novel, Raising the Past, is a straight forward sci-fi, arctic thriller that launches into action when a team of scientists discovers an alien artifact clutched in the arms of a woman.whose frozen inside the belly of a preserved mammoth. The newest of the three published, and my favorite, is Antarktos Rising. This story starts off with a global catastrophe as the Earth's crust shifts moving the North Pole to North Dakota and Antarctica (Antarktos) to the equator. Efilive 7 5 Keygen For Mac here. 2.6 billion people die in the first few chapters and the ravaged world turns to Antarctica as a new promised land.but the continent has already been claimed by the Nephilim-bad guys straight out of the book of Genesis. (( WN )): What inspires you to write?

Robinson: I suppose I was born with an insatiable appetite for story telling. When I was younger I expressed this through art, and to an extent still do. I was an illustration major in college and began illustrating comics after college. But writing crept in and hooked me.

It's a much satisfying way to flesh out a story and the world the characters live in-more than comics, more than movies (both of which I tried before making the final switch to novels). As far as day to day inspiration. I suppose I would say nature. The power and mysteriousness of it. Primarily the ocean. A day on the ocean can power a month of writing. (( WN )): What sets your books apart from the rest how are they different, unique?

Robinson: I would say my ability to tackle heavy, sometimes even controversial topics in a fun way. Didymus tackles the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Antarktos covers creationism vs. Evolution, a genetic cause for Noah's flood and the account of the Nephilim in Genesis. But because I'm not writing with the intent of convert people to any idea, philosophy or religion (because I don't necessarily agree with the viewpoints of my characters-they're their own people) they don't read as being preachy or antagonistic. So I'm able to handle religious topics in mainstream thrillers that are otherwise relegated to Christian fiction-meaning they're written for Christians.