Hi Garth, How's your issue going now? We suggest you first remove the oringinal Silverlight version. Then, follow the steps here to install it. Microsoft Silverlight is an application that allows for. Microsoft Silverlight Problems. You can fix this problem by using the Windows Installer Clean. APIs and reference. Silverlight Installation Problem. Hello I've been trying to install Microsoft Silverlight on Windows Xp Proffessional Service pack 3. APIs and reference. Microsoft Silverlight problems. In which i saw that one update did not install ie: Microsoft Silverlight.

Microsoft Silverlight Offline InstallInstaller Reference Issue Microsoft Silverlight

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Ccleaner is the best one for not messing up your system. I've been using it since they came out with that program and it has never caused me any problems at all. However like IPR stated.

Most will cause you more problems than its worth. I've tried Reg Seeker, Reg Cleaner and many others and they can cause alot of problems. But, Ccleaner doesn't do the same thing. It gets rid of Junk entries mainly. It is the safest and I always recomend people to use it. Always do the back up when asked. (I do the backup even though I've never had to use it with ccleaner) BTW, I've used it in XP home/Pro, Vista and Win7 with no problems.

It gets rid of false, dead, unused, etc etc entries in the registry. Which can really speed up the registry, speed up loading of programs etc. The registry gets full of Junk over time and can really slow down the loading and usage of your programs and windows in general. By cleaning it out and getting rid of the Junk, it can and will speed things up, and make things work better. (99% of the time you won't notice anything unless the registry is really really bad off and full of junk) ccleaner is nowhere near doing a full thorough cleaning like alot of Reg Cleaners. Which is probably why it is much safer for regular users.

But, it does do a good job and does help clean the house a bit.