Well currently I am using Ubuntu 12.04 only. Yes, I am not dual-booting it with Windows, since my hardware is not up to the mark. But now I am upgrading my PC, so I want to install Windows 7 over Ubuntu 12.04 for driver installation & other stuff. After that I will dual-boot Ubuntu 12.04 (or maybe 12.10 who know:) ) Anyways, please tell me how to replace Ubuntu 12.04 with Windows 7. Also, can someone tell me if there is a tool so that I can make my USB drive bootable with Windows 7 on my Ubuntu 12.04? Please help ASAP!

Install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS alongside (other operating systems) - Choose this option ONLY if you have another OS (e.g. Windows XP) and you want a dual boot system. You can choose which operating system you want each time the computer starts up. I have got a laptop issued from from college, with Ubuntu 12.04 as the OS. As i am not finding myself comfortable with it i want to use Windows as the OS. This guide shows you how to install Ubuntu using Windows 10 without harming your hard drive in 24 easy to follow steps, complete with images. Clonezilla Software Raid 0 Cpu. How to dual-boot Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7. May 17, 2012 8:56 pm. Installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive throws another boot manager into the mix.

How To Install Windows On Ubuntu SystemInstall Windows On Ubuntu Computer

I recommend first install windows 7 and then install ubuntu 12.04, you will be asked to create the partition to create ext3 and swap partition when installing ubuntu after installing windows 7, it has option to create partition automatically for swap and ext3. Just select those option and go through the steps.

Free Download Font Thai Psp. After restarting your PC your pc will load the grub boot loader the built in boot loader of ubuntu, which will show option to choose either windows 7 or ubuntu to boot from. In this way it becomes easy to use both win7 and ubuntu together, if you prefer to install ubuntu over windows 7. As ubuntu is smart which can easily detects your current OS and it is shown in boot menu. If you want to REPLACE the existing OS with Win7, just boot the Win7 DVD. At the drive selection page, delete any existing partitions you don't want and allow Windows to use that newly freed space for your Win7 installation.If you will want to install another OS at a later time, you may wish to create a new partition for Win7 of whatever size you like and keep some unpartitioned space for the other OS.

This will save time for the installation of another OS since you will not need to mess around with shrinking an existing partition to make room for the new OS.

This question already has an answer here: • 14 answers I tried to install Ubuntu on a machine having Windows OS.While installing Ubuntu I was not able to see all the partitions and I had to format the hard drive. Now the result is that I am having the clean Hard Drive with no primary partition and I am not able to install Windows OS also. Please suggest me some steps to how can I install Windows OS and Ubuntu on the same machine?Also suggest me steps to create primary partition. Ddp Creator Keygen - And Torrent 2016. I googled but while following the steps got messed up.Please suggest me some links.