No sound on Debian VM. Debian Wheezy youtube video missing on page. No sound after TBOPlayer install on Raspberry Pi. Hot Network Questions.

I have Debian 7.1. Today I have lost an ability to listening to music. I can hear sound played by speaker-test, mplayer and some applications sound (eg. Skype sound notifications). But I have problems with playing music by Rhythmbox or Spotify. When I type: alsactl init I receive: Found hardware: 'HDA-Intel' 'Intel CougarPoint HDMI' 'HDA:10ec0889,1458a04 HDA:808010' '0x1458' '0xa002' Hardware is initialized using a generic method When I run Rhythmbox from console I get this notification: (rhythmbox:7022): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SettingsDaemon was not provided by any.service files I've tried to reinstall gstreamer packages and alsa packages but it didn't help. I've checked if sound output isn't muted but it isn't.

Install Mplayer Debian Wheezy No SoundDebian Wheezy Raspberry Pi

I did a minimal install of debian wheezy and then. Minimal install of debian, didn't install sound. I have working analog speakers plugged in but get no sound. Since I didn't have any luck playing videos on the RPi using mplayer I found omxplayer after some search. (Debian Wheezy). Installing OMXPlayer on Raspberry Pi. There's functional mplayer. How to play/record sound from Debian chroot? Steps I used on my Amazon Fire 7' 2015 / CM12 / Debian Wheezy chroot: Install.

I have already found the solution. I use MATE which has problem in sound preferences. I log in using Gnome and I found in sound settings that it was set bad output device. I had to press by mistake some keys combination which switched it. • I log in to Gnome Shell session. The Holiday Ost Rapidshare Library. • I go to Sound settings (speaker icon on the top panel) • Go to devices tab • Switch to right device to which your speakers are plugged.

I have to underline that it was my mistake that it happened. This answer could be useful for everybody who has similar problem.

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