Planetary Interaction Chart

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Planetary interaction in EVE Online consists of buying a Command Center on the market, building it on a planet, and then building extractors and factories to mine resources from the planet and produce commodities with them. It was made fully available on 8 June 2010 with the introduction of Command Centers to the.

It is true that Planetary Interaction can be. Material Diagrams Great Visual Ingredient Guide Eve Uni's Ingredient and Use guide Power Grid. A guide about how to do planetary interaction in EVE Online to harvest materials and manufacture goods. May 03, 2012 Science & Industry. EVE Planetary Planner is a small tool I create to have a quick and easy overview of Planetary Interaction in EVE Online. Dear /r/Eve, I'm very proud to present you with the first beta release of RubyPI, a planetary interaction program like EFT.

Read below for the PI guide. Train Planetary Infrastructure Skills The listed below affect your ability to interact with planets.

Only one of these skills, Remote Sensing, is required in order to do planetary interaction. The other skills, while optional, will greatly help to improve your ability to mine resources from planets.

Command Center Upgrades - This skill gives you access to higher-quality command centers, which affects how many things you can attach to it, which in turn affects how many resources you can mine at a time. Interplanetary Consolidation - Increases the number of planets you can colonize at a time, up to a maximum of six. Planetology/Advanced Planetology - These skills increase the accuracy of the heat map displayed in your scans for planetary resources. These two are the only planetary infrastructure skills that have prerequisites. To train Planetology, you need to train Remote Sensing to level III. Advanced Planetology requires Planetology IV. Remote Sensing - This skill is required for planet scanning, and each level increases your scan range.