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It seems that may indeed be fading away like the Ancient Armies between its covers. Heading over to the website reveals a sombre notice for those of you who enjoyed this Historical Wargame After a little bit of digging it seems the Warhammer Historical line was handed off reluctantly to Forge World but even then it appeared the writing was on the wall for this game. Outside of popularity at a few convention events and with dwindling demand the game began to fade away until it was no longer viable to keep it running. Patch Francais Pour Crazy Talk 8. While existing stock can still be purchased elsewhere there will be no new content and we imagine the IP won’t be moved to another company. It appears the game was having limited success but the real question is did any of you folk play this? For those of you that did, where will you be heading next for your Historical Wargaming fix?

Let us know in the comments below whether this closure will be having any effect on you? 102psaid: On That’s a shame. I always really, really wanted to play Warmaster Ancients, Over the Top, and Legends of the Old West. I never got the chance to play them, or even purchase the books; Games Workshop didn’t exactly make it easy to purchase their historical rulesets, especially for someone across the pond. That, and GW didn’t do much promoting for their historical games. The success was always going to be limited. Talk about a wasted opportunity! Accel Dfi Thruster Software more.

Warhammer Ancient Battles The Age of Arthur - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. ONE copy on the 'Net and I found it by sheer good luck. Warhammer Ancient Battles - gw. SHIELDWALLWARFAREINTHEVIKINGAGE: 7. Islewithfearfulblaze,Thehouse- destroyingfireplays,Tohltlsandrocksthepeople. The Complete Art of War. Definition of Strategy and the Fundamental Principle of War Grand Tactics and Battles. In ancient times it was customary for a temple.

GW could have used Warhammer Historical to try out pdfs for gaming supplements and rules. Compile C Program In Dos Restaurant. They could have produced various (more than 3) dynamic historical vignettes–I know Games Workshop can do better than Wargames Illustrated! This is just disappointing news. 162psaid: On Dismayed to hear this, but can understand why the line has been dropped.

Essentially games like the Legend series and Trafalgar/Waterloo, etc are represented by smallish scale of miniatures and the ranges out there are well covered by companies other than GW. Another factor may be that this will be incorporated into the FW website in due course; fingers crossed for this option. If anyone gets the chance to play these games, get stuck in as they do play very well – there are a number of these games I intend to get my hands on. Hopefully I’ll still get the opportunity. 29psaid: On sad to see Warhammer Historical go.

A cynical person might wonder whether this reflects GW’s plan to keep their customers entirely within their own hobby ecosystem. For WFB, LOTR and 40k a customer needs only GW stores and the GW site to get everything they need, and the more incurious customer will never look elsewhere. Since GW don’t make historical figures, a new player following the Warhammer Historical button on their site would need to start looking for alternative miniature companies- which means other wargaming retailers. At that point, they’ll probably discover WarmaHordes, Kings of War and other systems too, and GW risks losing that customer. Perhaps I’m being overly cynical, but High Street presence has always been GW’s USP, and in the internet age you protect that advantage.

1959psaid: On Yes I play WAB If you play other Warhammer games the basic mechanics are the same. You could get a 40K/fantasy player up and running in no time at all.

I suppose it’s downfall was that everybody else made the figures apart from GW, so they were hardly likely to push it. That said the rules are still out there as well as period army lists (codex) and they should now be cheap to pick up. You have the rules if you and your friends can play 40K/fantasy and have fancied a go at Ancients historical you’ll find this quite easy to learn. As for alternatives I’am looking at Hail Caesar thanks to the guys at Warlord and I quite like the look of War & Conquest.

Clash of Empires is another that I would like to have a look. 1psaid: On I am primarily a HIstorical gamer and designer. It is a shame that GW could never succeed in the much much larger market of historical gaming.