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LA Scoring Strings 2.0 (LASS) brings you a whole new set of tools and sonic profiles providing a new level of expressiveness, realism, real-time playability and program-ability to sampled strings.Aside from our new Stage & Color feature (providing an easy way for you to have LASS sound like famous orchestral recordings and film scores), LASS 2 has over 60 new patches ranging from Aleatoric (string effects) to NV-Vib (non vibrato to vibrato) to Real Legato Tremolo and Trill patches. Below is a partial list of some of LASS 2.0s new features (you can also read about LASSs new A.R.C. (Audiobro Remote Control). Stage & Color At the heart of Stage & Color is a collection of exclusive orchestral sound profiles (colors) inspired by famous movie scores and recordings. Now, at the push of a button, LASS can adopt the tonal characteristics of some of the most coveted scores and recordings. A new ARC (Audiobro Remote Control) master script that will allow for dramatically easier control of all sections and divisis from a single window. Reverb and width controls of multiple patches from within the ARC ART programming of multiple patches from within the ARC CC Table control of multiple patches from within the ARC Auto Arranger control of multiple patches from within the ARC A new Key Switching approach of multiple patches from within the ARC Aleatoric (string effects) patches Non Vibrato to Vibrato patches Legato Tremolo patches Legato Trill patches Micro Tuning and real-time performance of tuning A CC Attenuation knob that allows on to ride CC attenuation in real-time or after-the-fact for added dynamic control.

A new User Interface that is easier to read and more pleasant to look. A drastically reduced footprint of only about 16.5GB due to the inclusion of NIs NCW (loss-less compression audio file format) files. We include the 24 bit files since it will be about 30% less taxing on your hard drive than a 24-bit wave file. We noticed no measurable CPU hit using the NCW files and we did a lot of testing. Many other new features and improvements The ARC The ARC (Audiobro Remote Control) is a huge part of the LASS 2 upgrade.

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Not only does it allow easy and simultaneous access to programming all your patches, but it is also the centerpiece to Stage & Color. There are so many things that the ARC can do, we decided to give it its own section on this site. Please visit the ARC Page to read more about it.

NEW LASS 2 Patches There are over 60 new patches covering new articulations in LASS 2 (see below), and ALL LASS 2.0 patches have been reworked to integrate with the ARC. Aleatoric Patches In case your wondering, aleatoric strings is a term often used in film-scoring to describe string sounds that have randomness and dissonance that can heighten the tension and drama in a scene. LASSs Aleatoric patches allow users to perform (in real-time) these types of dissonant string effects that are so sought after in film scores. By assigning the different divisis to a patch and allowing for individual control of tuning and modulation, you are able to create many varieties of dissonant strings while maintaining control of how it reacts over time. These patches are included for all sections (violins, violas, cellos and basses) in a variety of articulations: Sustains, Tremolos, Trills. Non-Vibrato to Vibrato (NV-Vib) Patches LASSs new Legato patches are much more powerful than before.

Not only do these patches play non-vibrato and vibrato legato, portamento and glissando articulations, but they also allow you to vary the amount of vibrato in real-time completely transparently via CC2. Furthermore, when you no longer need the NV-Vib functionality, you can simply turn off the NV-Vib mode without purging your samples thereby saving you polyphony. We have also included a CC Attenuation knob to all legato patches. This allows you to reduce the dynamics of a passage by turning the knob down (even remotely via CC). This is useful if you like your dynamics but you just want to lower them by a certain percentage. Features: Consolidated legato patches Realtime Loading/Purging of Legato Transitions Realtime Loading/Purging of NV/Vib Auto Arranger quick on/off control added Audiobro LASS Full 2 KONTAKT-MAGNETRiXX Intelliegent Legato Trill Patches LASSs new Legato Trill patches are smart. With a key switch (dictating the key of your piece) you can perform diatonic trills whereby, when you play a new trill note, the transition to that trill note can be either a legato, portamento or glissando transition.