Neopost Si 65 Manual Muscle. I was digging through some stuff today and stumbled on an owners manual and instruction manual from a gun that I haven't had since the 80's. What a piece of crap it was, but I still have the manuals. I'm glad to see this gun long gone, it was garbage and never worked worth a crap and nobody could ever figure it out.

It was one of those guns that just seemed to have a mind of its own. One day, it would cycle fine, the next day it would be a single shot. The only auto that I've ever owned that was worse was my Winchester 1400 and I don't even want to go there. Anyway, if someone wants this, just Email my website and it's yours. I'm happy to finally rid myself once and for all of any memories of this gun. OK, I received your PM and it will be in the morning's mail.

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The 1400 was without a doubt the most pathetic firearm I've ever owned. I got totally screwed by some old guy THAT KNEW it didn't work and when I say it didn't work, that would be an understatement. Later, I learned that the guy that sold it to me yucked it up with his buddies on how he 'dumped that POS on some greenhorn'. I just didn't know any better. I figured with a name like Winchester, it just had to be good. The Smith was pretty much the same story, but I got it new, so had nobody to blame but myself.

I traded that piece of crap in for an 1100 which I still have to this day.