Design Of Pressure Vessel Pdf

ANSYS - Pressure Vessel; Pressure Vessel. Export to PDF Export to Word. Go to all ANSYS Learning Modules. Study of Composite Pressure Vessel using Workbench and. Modeling sequence of a typical pressure vessel fabricated with filament. (Ansys Parametric Design.

Hi all please check the following link: as you can see it's a pipe system modeled with shell181 elements subject to internal pressure (only) i need help about the membrane stress i get at the nozzle intersection - it should be considered local membrane stress so the allowable stress limit should be 1.5S, is it correct? - or maybe, since it's a very high geometry discontinuity location, i can consider the allowable stress limit equal to 3S? Bekefi And Barrett Pdf Converter. I have been increasing the main pipe and the nozzle equivalent tickness to low down the membrane stress but the solution i'm getting out is not cheap and hard to build any nice tip would be very appreciated thanks RE: Ansys Asme Pipe Stress Analysis - fast question (Structural). Jos007 - unfortunately, evaluating the results If a finite element analysis to the piping or BPV Code is slightly more nuanced than your questions imply. It appears that you are trying to perform an evaluation in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division 2, Part 5, correct? Probably you have arrived there by apply the 'unlisted component' rules if ASME B31.3?

What other loads are there on the component? You will need to evaluate those, too.

Be glad to help you but I would need to know the whole picture. Are you expecting any cyclic loading? How about vacuum conditions or anything else that might result in compressive loads? RE: Ansys Asme Pipe Stress Analysis - fast question (Structural). You are mixing two different failure modes.

If you are actually following the rules of ASME Section VIII, Division 2, Part 5 (2013 Edition), then you will know that for satisfying Protection Against Plastic Collapse, the local membrane equivalent stress should be less than Spl (which is the greater of 1.5S or Sy). If that is not met, then your have not satisfied this failure mode. For satisfying Protection Against Failure From Cyclic Loading: Ratcheting, then the RANGE of primary-plus-secondary membrane-plus-bending should be less than Sps (which is the greater of 3S or 2Sy).